Authoritative DNS servers

Our authoritative DNS servers publish the DNS for and our other domains to the world.

This page lists the servers with a rough guide to how they are used. This information is principally for DNS administrators in the University who would like an overview of what is available. Contact us if you need more specific advice.

These servers are referred to by name in NS records; their IP addresses are subject to change.

Central servers

server name usage preferred server
used for all our zones extra server
for private zones
and MZS domains

Becuase the DNS delegation records for use auth0 but not auth1, the parent zone lacks glue address records for auth1. This provides a slight speed advantage to auth0.

We provide off-site authoritative service for a number of friendly research and education institutions, generally on auth0, some zones also use auth1.

We also have some test servers which are used to validate configuration changes before rolling out to the live servers.

Other on-site servers

We have reciprocal secondarying arrangements with the Computer Lab and Engineering.

server name location on site on site

The Faculty of Mathematics also have their own DNS servers.

Off-site servers

We use Mythic Beasts as the domain registrar for the Managed Zone Service. They also provide us with off-site secondary DNS. Other University institutions are welcome to use this service; contact us for more details. Most zones that are served by auth0 are automatically set up on the Mythic Beasts servers.

We have a reciprocal secondarying arrangement with Imperial College. Other Cambridge institutions have similar arrangements with Imperial, though they are organized semi-independently. Zones that are served by Imperial do not use the Mythic Beasts server in London.

server name location London Dallas London Amsterdam